wedding guest dress: mccalls 7683
Hey everybody! I hope you had a great week! I have been MIA from my blog and I really want to apologize! Lately my drive to blog was been at an all time LOW! I don’t know if it’s writers block, or laziness or simply overthinking what I want to share but I have to do better! So I’m going to try to simplify things a bit and do more “pattern review style” post to see if that will spark a little more enthusiasm for blogging! Wish me luck y’all!
Today, I’m going to share about my dress that I wore to Mimi G and Norris wedding! I’m sure you may have already seen it on social or my Youtube channel, but let’s chat about it anyway (in pattern review style)! LOL
Pattern Used: I created this dress using McCalls 7683! I really wanted an easy to wear dress. I didn’t want to be in anything tight, or uncomfortable! So a couple weeks before their big day, I searched on the Big 4 sites and came across this pattern! I loved the one shoulder style and the fact that it had no closures, and was designed for knits, was my sign that this was my dress!
Pattern Description: Misses'/Miss Petite Dresses with Shoulder and Skirt Variations: You can mix and match the pattern pieces to create your own custom look. I used pattern pieces 2 and 5.
Pattern Sewing Level: This pattern is rated for an average/intermediate sewer.
What size did you cut?: For sizing, I had to do a little merging of the lines to get it right for my measurements. So the bust is a 16, the waist is an 18 and the hips are a 20. If you want to see how I merge pattern lines, check out this video here (the video is for a jumpsuit, but I use the same method).
Were the instructions easy to follow? Very! I didn’t have any problems following along with this pattern. Everything was well written, and the illustrations are great too!
What did you like or dislike about the pattern? I don’t have any dislikes about this pattern.
Did you make any pattern alterations: Yes! Other than adjusting for my measurements that I mentioned above, I also added a lining to it! Because I used a stretch sequin fabric, I didn’t want the sequin to rub up against my skin, so I added a lightweight knit lining to it.
Where did you purchase the fabric(s)? I purchased this fabric, along with all the notions from my local Joann. Here is a link to the fabric. I can’t find the lining online, but it was just a lightweight knit in a nude color.
Did you record a sew along for this pattern? No! I’m so sorry! I was short on time to get this dress finished before their wedding, however with the big response to the dress, I will be adding this to my list of videos! It’s too good not to record a video for it! I did record a chit chat video just sharing about it before the wedding here!
Would you sew it again? YES! This will most likely be the dress that I wear to all the upcoming Military Balls and other special occasion events! LOL! I love it!
Would you recommend it to others? Absolutely!! This is a great pattern to have in your stash. You can play around with fabrics to have this as a formal dress or a nice casual dress! Mix and match the pieces and just have fun!
Thank you all so much for stopping by the blog! I hope you enjoyed this post layout! Let me know below your thoughts! Too little info, or just enough! You know I like to keep things short and sweet but I still want to provide great information!
And in case you’re wondering, I had the best time ever at Mimi G and Norris wedding! Mimi was breathtaking and Norris was sharp like always! I just love those two and was honored to witnessed their union!
Until next time…